Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi
(Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare)
Kaneri, Tal. Karveer, Dist. Kolhapur, Maharashtra- 416234

     Shri Siddhagiri Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kolhapur-II: An Overview

  Krishi Vigyan Kendra (Farm Science Centre), Kolhapur has been sanctioned in March 2018 and laid the foundation in Krishi Unnati Mela, Pusa, New Delhi by Hon'ble Prime minister of India Shri Narendra Modi. This KVK has been termed as Organic KVK. The operational/Juridiction areas of KVK are 6 tehsils namely, Karveer,Kagal,Gadhinglaj,Bhudargad,Ajara & Chandgad.Krishi Vigyan Kendra aims to fasten the decision making ability of farmers for technology adoption integrating for better farm yield by rapid and effective transfer of technology by serving the ultimate users and focal point of agriculture i.e. Farmers and farm women.It also aims to provide low cost, location specific and effective technology for reducing input cost and increasing the net income through capacity development of different stakeholders, providing available technological information and inputs, practicing participatory approaches in planning, implementing and evaluating the technologies.


  • Encouraging farming community for increasing productivity, profitability leading to sustainable growth of agriculture though resource and knowledge centre in the district for agricultural technologies.

  • Farmer-centric growth in agriculture and allied sectors through application of appropriate technologies in specific agro-ecosystem perspective.

    Application of technology/products through assessment, refinement and demonstration for adoption. To achieve the mandate effectively, the following activities are envisaged for each KVK:
  • On-farm testing to identify the location specificity of agricultural technologies under various farming systems
  • Frontline demonstrations to establish its production potentials on the farmers fields.
  • Training of farmers and extension personnel to update their knowledge and skills in modern agricultural technologies.
  • Work as resource and knowledge centre of agricultural technologies for supporting initiatives of public, private and voluntary sector for improving the agricultural economy of the district.
  • Produce and make available technological products like seed, planting material, bio agents, young ones of livestock etc to the farmers
  • Organize extension activities to create awareness about improved agricultural technologies to facilitate fast diffusion and adoption of technologies in agriculture and allied sectors.

Chairman's Message

      Today history is witnessing that a man is in touch with harmful dangerous chemicals. From 1945 2nd World war, usage of chemical pesticides started. This usage rose to such an extent that this dangerous chemicals existence is found in each and every animate or inanimate objects around us. Human being is in danger if we see the rising percentage of river pollution and decreasing number of useful bacteria, fishes, birds and animals. The soil quality which was degraded in the start due to excessive usage of chemical pesticides has now become too much fertile. Organic vegetables produced out of it are becoming popular in Kolhapur, Pune and Mumbai due to its richness in nutrient.
      Krishi Vigyan Kendra has accomplished the unbelievable task of yielding over 188 crops in just one acre land at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kaneri, Kolhapur. This newly developed unique model of farming has given zeal to marginal land owners/farmers. If a farmer pursues this well planned farming technique instead of getting disappointed due to scarcity of rain, then neither his family members need to search for any other job opportunities nor he requires to search for outside labors to cultivate their own farms.
      The Krishi Vigyan Kendra organizes training camps for farmers where they are made aware of the methods and techniques of organic farming.To preserve the Indian breeds of seeds, seed donation camps are also arranged.

P.P.Adrushya Kadsiddheshwar Swamiji


Senior Scientist & Head's Message

      Krishi Vigyan Kendra (Farm Science Centre), Kolhapur has been sanctioned in March 2018 and laid the foundation in Krishi Unnati Mela, Pusa, New Delhi by Hon'ble Prime minister of India Shri Narendra Modi. This KVK has been termed as Organic KVK. The operational/Juridiction areas of KVK are 6 tehsils namely, Karveer,Kagal,Gadhinglaj,Bhudargad,Ajara & Chandgad.Krishi Vigyan Kendra aims to fasten the decision making ability of farmers for technology adoption integrating for better farm yield by rapid and effective transfer of technology by serving the ultimate users and focal point of agriculture i.e. Farmers and farm women.It also aims to provide low cost, location specific and effective technology for reducing input cost and increasing the net income through capacity development of different stakeholders, providing available technological information and inputs, practicing participatory approaches in planning, implementing and evaluating the technologies.

Dr.Ravindra Singh

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