Articles & Research Papers
Sr.No. Title Date Links
1. Ragi Shrianna: Health Benefits and Value Added Products October, 2023 View/Download
2. Application of Drones in Agriculture May, 2023 View/Download
3. Vertical Gardening 15 Jan, 2023 View/Download
4. Agricultural Revolution Started by Kaneri Math June, 2022 View/Download
5. Natural Farming has Given a New Identity Jan, 2022 View/Download
6. Bhoomi Suposhan: Importance & Usefull Components Sep, 2021 View/Download
7. Organic Manure. July, 2021 View/Download
8. Organic Jaggery Production Using Modern Machinery. April, 2021 View/Download
9. Lumpy skin disease: Control System. 31 May, 2021 View/Download
10. Water Apple: A thirst quenching fruit. 31 May, 2021 View/Download
11. Beej Pramanikaran prakriya. 15 April, 2021 View/Download
12. Spirullina Ki Kheti. 15 April, 2021 View/Download
13. Spirulina Farming. March, 2021 View/Download
14. Exploring agro-ecological bases of contemporary water management innovations (CWMIs) and their out scaling. Feb, 2021 View/Download
15. Farmer Produce Company. 31 August, 2020 View/Download
16. Weather Forecasting & Crop Management. June, 2020 View/Download
17. Locust Control. June, 2020 View/Download
18. Tamarind: Value Added Products and its Health Benefits. May, 2020 View/Download
19. Impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on Indian economy. April, 2020 View/Download
20. Changing Roles of Extension in Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK): Reaching the Last Mile. March, 2020 View/Download
21. Agro Ecological Approaches for Strengthening of Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) in India. 2020 View/Download
22. Small and Marginal Farmers of Indian Agriculture: Prospects and Extension Strategies. January, 2020 View/Download
23. GOOD AGRICULTURAL PRACTICES (GAPS). January, 2020 View/Download
24. Therapeutic Value of Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana). December, 2020 View/Download
25. Agro-Chemical Inputs and its approaches towards agrifood systems and bio-safety: Prospects & Challenges. 12 December, 2020 View/Download
26. Panchgavya: A Boon in Liquid Fertilizer for Organic Farming. December, 2020 View/Download
27. Climate Smart Agriculture: Challenges, implications, innovations for achieving food and nutrition security. September, 2020 View/Download
28. Farmer Produce Company (FPC): A Journey of Farmers from Food Grower to Food Seller. September, 2020 View/Download
29. Smart Livestock Extension: Reaching theunreached farmers. August, 2020 View/Download
30. Structural and functional insight of knowledge management models in agriculture. July, 2020 View/Download
31. Awareness about Soil Health Card and Constraints faced by Farmers in Utilizing its Information in Southern Maharashtra. 2020 View/Download
32. Effect of Genetically Modified Crops on Beneficials with Special Reference to Honey Bee. June, 2020 View/Download
33. Mass Production of Entomopathogenic Neamatodes. May, 2020 View/Download
34. Semio Chemicals: A Tool of IPM. May, 2020 View/Download